Lysine acetylation targets protein complexes and co-regulates major cellular functions
- Experiment Name
- Lysine acetylation targets protein complexes and co-regulates major cellular functions
- Citation
- Choudhary C,Kumar C,Gnad F,Nielsen ML,Rehman M,Walther TC,Olsen JV,Mann M. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2009-August. Vol 325. 834-40. [pubmed]
- Description
- MS discovery of acetylation in MV4-11 (myeloid leukemia cell line) cells. Acetyl-lysine antibody pull down plus isoelectric focusing. Addition of KDAC inhibitors SAHA and MS-275 experiment also included
- Conditions
- Cell
- MV4-11
- Drug
- Drug
- MS-275
- Drug
- KDAC Inhibitor
- Date Loaded
- March 14 2013
Experiment Data Summary
- Proteins
- 890
- Measured Peptides
- 1696
- Modification Sites
- 1749
- Rejected Peptides
- 161
By Residue | By Modification Type | By Species | ||||||