Global Survey of Phosphotyrosine Signaling Identifies Oncogenic Kinases in Lung Cancer

Experiment Name
Global Survey of Phosphotyrosine Signaling Identifies Oncogenic Kinases in Lung Cancer
Rikova K,Guo A,Zeng Q,Possemato A,Yu J,Haack H,Nardone J,Lee K,Reeves C,Li Y,Hu Y,Tan Z,Stokes M,Sullivan L,Mitchell J,Wetzel R,Macneill J,Ren JM,Yuan J,Bakalarski CE,Villen J,Kornhauser JM,Smith B,Li D,Zhou X,Gygi SP,Gu TL,Polakiewicz RD,Rush J,Comb MJ. Cell. 2007-December. Vol 131. 1190-203. [pubmed]
Characterized tyrosine kinase signaling of 41 lung cancer cell lines using a phosphoproteomic approach.
Date Loaded
April 17 2013


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